Unlocking reproductive autonomy through egg freezing.

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The next wave of women's independence.

We offer a platform providing women education and a non-judgmental community, fostering reproductive autonomy.

More details coming soon ;)


Be fierce.

We are fierce. We work hard, we are bold, we fight unapologetically for our personal beliefs and values. But we are also not afraid to acknowledge our emotions and doubts, because this is part of being genuine and human.

We strive to empower ourselves and others, because we know there is enough room for everyone.


Who we are.

I'm Johanna, the founder of FYRCE CARE. I started this business, because I deeply care about the health, equality and freedom of women and understand the challenges firsthand.

This platform is meant to be a community where we help and support each other.

Find out more.


The next wave of women's independence.

We offer a platform providing women education and a non-judgmental community, fostering reproductive autonomy.

More details coming soon ;)


Be fierce.

We are fierce. We work hard, we are bold, we fight unapologetically for our personal beliefs and values. But we are also not afraid to acknowledge our emotions and doubts, because this is part of being genuine and human.

We strive to empower ourselves and others, because we know there is enough room for everyone.


Who we are.

I'm Johanna, the founder of FYRCE CARE. I started this business, because I deeply care about the health, equality and freedom of women and understand the challenges firsthand.

This platform is meant to be a community where we help and support each other.

Find out more.